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Comportement et attentes des français en matière de prévention habitation

Comportement et attentes des français en matière de prévention habitation

Une enquête quantitative auprès de 1 000 français

Benchmark des espaces de gestion en épargne salariale et retraite collective

Benchmark des espaces de gestion en épargne salariale et retraite collective

Benchmark d’une quinzaine d’espaces internet et applications mobiles en épargne salariale et retraite d'entreprise (PEE, PERCOL, PERO)

Benchmark des pratiques de vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles en agence

Benchmark des pratiques de vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles en agence

  • Comprendre de quelle manière les réseaux de vente sont organisés, accompagnés et animés pour la vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles.

  • Analyser la dynamique commerciale mise en place pour équiper les clients et/ou prospects : temps forts, événements, offres ponctuelles et permanentes.

  • Relever les différentes pratiques et démarches des conseillers pour commercialiser les offres : ciblage, opportunités commerciales, cycle d’équipement,….

  • Réaliser des focus par type d’assurances : GAV, temporaire décès, dépendance et obsèques.

Retirees facing the increase in health contributions & solutions to counter it

Retirees facing the increase in health contributions & solutions to counter it

Management of health expenses
Appetite for solutions to limit out-of-pocket costs
Perception of the health insurer, understanding of the increase in premiums and obstacles to change
Predisposition to lower the level of coverage
Appetite for “alternative” health insurance

Attitude towards the increase in contributions

Predisposition to revise their level of coverage downwards

Interest in solutions to reduce out-of-pocket costs

Appetite for alternative contracts and non-responsible contracts

Benchmark des offres d'assurance automobile

Benchmark des offres d'assurance automobile

• La structuration de l'offre
• L'analyse comparative des garanties et services d'assistance
• La prise en compte des modes de transport alternatifs
• Les formules tarifées selon l'usage
• Les réductions et avantages fidélité

Une étude pour pour vous accompagner dans la refonte de votre offre et vous positionner par rapport à la concurrence 

Benchmark of health insurance management spaces

Benchmark of health insurance management spaces

“Insured” management spaces on the Internet
“Insured” management spaces on mobile application
“Business” management spaces on the Internet

Comparative study of around twenty insured management spaces (web & mobile application) & a dozen web management spaces for companies among the main market players

Levers to conquer SMEs in employee savings

Levers to conquer SMEs in employee savings

The reasons for equipping yourself
The objectives of the equipment
Operator choice criteria
Importance of services
Decryption of subscription paths

Qualitative survey of around twenty SMEs having recently equipped themselves with employee savings (PEE and/or PERCOL) or considering it soon or having recently changed operator or planning it soon

The target of insurance professionals

The target of insurance professionals

Organization and management of sales networks
The place of the agency and the connection with the contact center and the internet platform
Commercial dynamics
Practices for attracting professionals
Practices to retain professionals
The main market trends and upcoming developments

What are the practices of sales networks to win over and retain professionals?

Retirees and their complementary health insurance

Retirees and their complementary health insurance

Perception of retirees regarding the increase in contributions
What attitude will retirees adopt in the face of this increase (negotiation, competition, etc.)
Evaluate their predisposition to review their level of coverage
Measure their appetite for alternative contracts and non-responsible contracts

Reactions of retirees to the increase in health contributions and appetite for “alternative” and non-responsible offers

Home insurance management areas

Home insurance management areas

Identification of standard and innovative functionalities on Website and Mobile Application
Analysis of claims reporting processes

Benchmark of 17 web spaces and 15 mobile applications


The French and sustainable and responsible consumption

Sensitivity of the French to social and environmental issues, expectations towards their insurer and their bank in terms of sustainability and responsible behavior

Study in progress

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in the study


Enquête changement d'assureur santé des retraités 2023

Enquête changement d'assureur santé des retraités 2023





Enquête quantitative en ligne auprès de 1000 retraités ayant changé d’assureur santé au cours des 3 dernières années.

Analyse des élements déclencheurs et des parcours clients.

Les Français et la consommation durable et responsable

Les Français et la consommation durable et responsable

• Sensibilité des Français aux thématiques sociales et environnementales
• Attentes des Français vis-à-vis de leur banque et de leur assureur en matière de durabilité et de comportement responsable
• Appétence des Français pour les assurances durables
• Appétence des Français pour l'épargne durable et responsable

Enquête auprès des ménages pour évaluer leur sensibilité aux thématiques sociales et environnementales et comprendre les attentes vis-à-vis de leur assureur et leur appétence en matière d'épargne durable et responsable.

The French face inflation and budgetary constraints

The French face inflation and budgetary constraints

Evolution of household consumption
Evolution of behavior in terms of savings, credit and insurance
Focus on the expectations and intentions of MRH and AUTO policyholders
Impact of rising energy costs on household behavior and expectations in the areas of housing and automobiles

What are the implications and prospects for the year 2023 in terms of banking and insurance?

The place of digital in the customer journey

The place of digital in the customer journey

Online quote requests and the use of comparators
Remote and 100% online subscription
The current image of neo-insurers
The multichannel relationship with the main insurer
The place of digital for reporting and managing claims
The expectations of Auto, Home and Health policyholders regarding online management functionalities

What behaviors and expectations do policyholders have when subscribing and managing their contracts online?

Benchmark of arguments and online quotes for individual health supplements

Benchmark of arguments and online quotes for individual health supplements

Semio-pragmatic analysis of the communication of operators’ websites
Analysis of online quote request processes
Proposal obtained and subscription possibilities

Semiological analysis of communication on the Internet relating to individual complementary health insurance.

Comparison of online simulators carried out with 15 diverse operators

Expectations of young wealth executives in terms of investment

Expectations of young wealth executives in terms of investment

Investment objectives and the importance of the search for meaning
Interest given to sustainability in investment and its approach by operators
Place given to the crypto-asset market
Appetite for real estate in all its forms
Importance given to preparing for retirement

When it comes to investment, are young wealth executives sensitive to the notion of sustainability?

Levers for conquering TNS in health insurance Madelin law

Levers for conquering TNS in health insurance Madelin law

Perceptions of complementary health insurance Madelin law
Reasons leading to making or considering a change in complementary health insurance
Subscription process followed or planned
Characteristics of offers that can influence the choice of a new contract
Reactions to a Health + Protection coupling offer

What TNS expect from complementary health insurance under the Madelin law.

Qualitative survey on group health insurance

Qualitative survey on group health insurance

Reasons for change and objectives pursued
Selection of the operator and the complement
Subscription process carried out or envisaged
Place of health/providence coupling
Balance sheet after subscription made or planned

Why do companies with 10 to 50 employees change operators and what type of health contracts and operators do they turn to?

Behaviors and expectations of owners of 2-3 motorized wheels in terms of insurance

Behaviors and expectations of owners of 2-3 motorized wheels in terms of insurance

Equipment with 2-3 Motorized Wheels of the households interviewed and uses
Characteristics of the contracts held, main selection criteria and subscription process
Expectations of policyholders in terms of guarantees and services
Level of attachment to the insurer, levers for winning over and retaining policyholders
Perception of insurers and neo-insurers
Expectations of policyholders in terms of self-care and the subscription process

Household 2-3WD equipment and uses

Characteristics of the contracts held, main selection criteria and subscription process

Expectations of policyholders in terms of guarantees and services

Level of attachment to the insurer, levers for winning over and retaining policyholders

Perception of insurers and neo-insurers

Expectations of policyholders in terms of self-care and the subscription process

Young independent workers and insurance

Young independent workers and insurance

For 20/29 year olds
- Global image of insurers and insurance products
- their selection criteria
- their behavior and expectations regarding digital tools
- interest of young people in communicating with their insurer via social networks
- sensitivity to environmental issues
- interest in insurance for portable devices

  • Identify young people’s perception of insurance products and insurance players

  • Evaluate the place given to digital tools and social networks in the relationship with their operators

  • Understand their appeal for insurance products covering mobile devices

  • Evaluate their interest in the environmental theme

Borrower insurance management areas

Borrower insurance management areas

Web & mobile management spaces
- Basic functionalities (authentication, contact, notifications, GDPR, inclusiveness...)
- Management functionalities (payment, claim declaration, termination)
- Other features (complaints, loyalty, multi-equipment, etc.)

Benchmark of web & mobile application management spaces of a dozen operators

Marketing levers for VAE insurance

Marketing levers for VAE insurance

1. Use of VAEs by uninsured owners
2. Fears related to the use of the VAE
3. Knowledge and perceptions of VAE insurance
4. Reactions and interest following discovery of the insurance product
5. Legitimacy of operators and subscription process

How to convince e-bike owners to take out insurance for their vehicle? (quali online study)


Comportement et attentes des français en matière de prévention habitation

Comportement et attentes des français en matière de prévention habitation

Une enquête quantitative auprès de 1 000 français

Benchmark des espaces de gestion en épargne salariale et retraite collective

Benchmark des espaces de gestion en épargne salariale et retraite collective

Benchmark d’une quinzaine d’espaces internet et applications mobiles en épargne salariale et retraite d'entreprise (PEE, PERCOL, PERO)

Benchmark des pratiques de vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles en agence

Benchmark des pratiques de vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles en agence

  • Comprendre de quelle manière les réseaux de vente sont organisés, accompagnés et animés pour la vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles.

  • Analyser la dynamique commerciale mise en place pour équiper les clients et/ou prospects : temps forts, événements, offres ponctuelles et permanentes.

  • Relever les différentes pratiques et démarches des conseillers pour commercialiser les offres : ciblage, opportunités commerciales, cycle d’équipement,….

  • Réaliser des focus par type d’assurances : GAV, temporaire décès, dépendance et obsèques.

The target of insurance professionals

The target of insurance professionals

Organization and management of sales networks
The place of the agency and the connection with the contact center and the internet platform
Commercial dynamics
Practices for attracting professionals
Practices to retain professionals
The main market trends and upcoming developments

What are the practices of sales networks to win over and retain professionals?


La cible des seniors dans la banque et l'assurance

Minalea - Etudes expertes

• Les âges clés et projets des seniors 
• Leur situation financière et comportement en matière de crédit
• Leur relation avec l'assureur principal et niveau d'influence auprès de leurs proches
• La préparation de leur succession
• Les transferts intergénérationnels
• Les seniors aidants
• Les contrats de dépendance et obsèques souscrits

Enquête auprès des seniors pour comprendre leurs comportements et attentes en matière de banque, crédit, assurance et prévoyance. 

La famille et la solidarité intergénérationnelle

Minalea - Etudes expertes

• Les principales préoccupations et comportements en matière de prévoyance
• La perception de l'équipement et potentiel de développement
• Les aides financières et matérielles entre les générations
• Les donations
• La transmission de patrimoine
• La préparation de sa propre succession
• Les aidants
• L'influence de la famille dans le choix d'établissement

Enquête auprès des ménages pour comprendre les mécanismes existants et les moments de vie les plus opportuns au multi-équipement

Le parcours client à l'occasion d'un achat automobile

Minalea - Etudes expertes

• Le contexte d'équipement automobile
• La revente du précédent véhicule
• Le parcours client et la place accordée à l'internet
• Le choix automobile face à la transition écologique
• Le financement du véhicule à crédit
• Les offres locatives
• Le choix d'établissement pour l'assurance
• Les contrats de services

Enquête auprès des automobilistes pour comprendre le process de sélection du véhicule, du financement, de l'assurance et des services associés, ainsi que les tendances à venir.

Main trends in the automotive market

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Maintenance and repair habits
Service contracts and related insurance
Criteria for choosing the insurer and level of attachment
Motorists' expectations regarding their insurance: guarantees, services, excess, rewards and formulas according to usage
Equipment and prospects for development of rental formulas
Future uses and developments in terms of mobility

Behaviors and priorities of the French in terms of insurance, related services and rental formula

Home insurance

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Claims experience and compensation preferences
Desired guarantees and services
Link with the insurer and competition during subscription
Levers of conquest and potential of new players
Contact channel preference
Other themes covered: moving, eco-renovation, second homes, collaborative consumption, protection systems and remote monitoring contracts

What behavior and expectations do policyholders have through their contract?

What opportunities for establishments?

Benchmark of group health insurance and welfare services

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Services linked to group health contracts
- Proposed preventive actions...
Services linked to collective insurance contracts
- Prevention for employees VS companies
Other services offered to customers outside of collective health & insurance themes
- Employee Services & Business Services

Comparative study of the offers of 12 group health operators and 10 group insurance operators

Levers for conquering TNS in provident insurance Madelin Law

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Understanding the targets
Imagined/projected subscription path
Reactions to the content of a professional pension plan

How can we raise TNS awareness of Madelin law insurance and convince them to subscribe to it?

Expectations of young wealth executives in terms of relationships in the age of digitalization

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Relations with operators and perception of different categories of heritage stakeholders
Place of digital tools and aprioris on this theme
Possible articulation between automated systems and human interaction

What young wealth executives expect from their operators in terms of relationships and digital tools.

Levers and obstacles to sub-annual termination of supplementary health insurance by retirees

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Preamble on the health and economic context
Knowledge of termination procedures and new regulatory provisions
Reasons for retaining the current insurer and predispositions to flight or loyalty
Sensitivity to the different types of arguments that can be used to win or retain customers

Impact of the new regulatory provisions on the desire of retirees to escape for their supplementary health insurance under the Madelin law and levers to retain or recruit them.

Levers and obstacles to infra-annual termination in complementary health insurance Madelin law of TNS

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Preamble on the health and economic context
Knowledge of termination procedures and new regulatory provisions
Reasons for retaining the current insurer and predispositions to flight or loyalty
Sensitivity to the different types of arguments that can be used to win or retain customers

Impact of new regulatory provisions on the desire of TNS to flee for their complementary health insurance Madelin law and levers to retain or recruit them.

Levers for promoting ISR funds and Greenfin funds in the context of life insurance

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Understanding of potential subscribers
Sensitivity to SRI funds
Reactions to the arguments deployed by operators in their communications to promote SRI funds
Sensitivity to Greenfin funds
Reactions to the arguments deployed by operators in their communications to promote Greenfin funds
Final attitudes after submission to arguments

Knowledge and perceptions of ISR and Greenfin funds by life insurance owners.

Interest of companies with less than 50 employees for employee savings and retirement following the pact law

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Reasons for not equipping companies with employee savings or retirement savings.
Level of knowledge of the PACTE law and reactions to certain characteristics.
Reactions to the arguments used in campaigns on corporate savings carried out by banks or insurers.
Potential effect of the PACTE law and the arguments deployed by operators on the company's intentions to equip itself with a savings system and the perceived need for support.

How can we raise awareness and convince companies with fewer than 50 employees to equip themselves with employee savings and retirement products?

Impact of the PACTE law on retirement preparation for liberal professions

Minalea - Etudes expertes

State of mind of the liberal professionals met.
Current methods of preparing for retirement in the liberal professions.
Level of information on the PACTE law, reactions to certain characteristics and intentions to modify the systems put in place.
Legitimacy granted to the different categories of participants in the retirement savings market.

How do TNS prepare for retirement since the PACTE law?

Diversification in life insurance in a context of financial market turbulence

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Semio-pragmatic analysis of internet communication and direct marketing on encouraging diversification (analysis according to the solutions proposed)
Understanding Risk-Averse Life Insurance Holders
Reactions to the different diversification levers: interest in alternatives to euro funds (perception of the idea and perceptions of the arguments used from operator communications)

How do operators communicate to encourage diversification in life insurance and how do prudent savers understand risk and react to the different incentives?

Expectations of policyholders regarding the private space of their complementary health insurance

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Understanding the targets and their relationship to the private space of complementary health insurance
Perceptions of the functionalities offered by the private health space
- Overall perception of the functionalities memorized in complementary health.
- Reactions to the functionalities proposed in Health.
Perceived benefit of private space for communicating with your health insurance operator
Acceptance and obstacles to modifying an existing contract and subscribing to a new contract via the private space.

What features of the health customer area are popular with policyholders?

Levers for conquering TNS in professional legal protection

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Sensitivity and knowledge of professional legal protection
Reasons for not subscribing to professional legal protection
Subscription route envisaged by the three targets
Reactions to the content of professional legal protection
Perception of cyber risk and associated proposals
Final predisposition towards professional legal protection after presentation of the product

How to raise awareness among professionals about professional legal protection and convince them to subscribe to it?

Benchmark of Madelin pension management spaces

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Management spaces on the Internet
[Transversal functionalities - Management functionalities - Functionalities linked to risk prevention - Commercial practices]

Mobile apps
[Transversal functionalities - Management functionalities - Support services - Commercial practices]

Comparative study of a dozen pension management spaces (web & mobile application) made available to TNS policyholders among the main market players

Benchmark of individual health insurance and welfare services

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Services linked to individual health contracts
[Proposed prevention actions - Access to care services - Assistance services]

Services linked to individual pension contracts
[Proposed preventive actions - Assistance services: Personal Accident Guarantee, Temporary death insurance, Long-term care insurance, Funeral insurance]

Services offered to customers regardless of individual health & welfare themes

Comparison of offers from around ten operators by market Health - GAV - Temporary death - Dependency - Funeral

Transition to retirement: risks and opportunities for banks and insurers

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Preparing for retirement
Predispositions regarding complementary health insurance
Predispositions regarding property insurance
Predispositions regarding the savings offer
Predispositions regarding the credit offer
Predispositions regarding the pension offer
Interest in retirement-related services
Final predispositions towards operators

How do 55-65 year olds prepare for their retirement and in particular what changes are they making or considering regarding their insurance?

Multi-media life insurance management spaces

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Online definition of the investor profile
[Scope - Questioning - Profile visualization - Asset allocation proposal]

Management spaces on the Internet
[Scope - Consultable information - Achievable operations and supervision of these - Incentives for diversification]

Management spaces on mobile application
[Scope - Consultable information - Achievable operations and supervision of these - Incentives for diversification]

Benchmark of websites & mobile applications from more than twenty operators

Funeral insurance: analysis of communication and obstacles and levers to subscription

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Semio-pragmatic analysis of the communication of 10 operators
Understanding of potential subscribers and the obstacles and levers to subscription

How to communicate to raise awareness among potential subscribers and convince them to purchase funeral insurance?

Benchmark of loyalty and multi-equipment practices in insurance

Minalea - Etudes expertes

Commercial offers and devices for multi-equipment
Animation of networks around multi-ownership
Place of digital and the contact center in the commercial activity of agencies
Advisor practices to build loyalty
Animation of sales networks around customer satisfaction

How do sales networks build loyalty and multi-equip their customers?


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