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Behaviors and expectations of owners of 2-3 motorized wheels in terms of insurance

168 Pages



Release :


Household 2-3WD equipment and uses

Characteristics of the contracts held, main selection criteria and subscription process

Expectations of policyholders in terms of guarantees and services

Level of attachment to the insurer, levers for winning over and retaining policyholders

Perception of insurers and neo-insurers

Expectations of policyholders in terms of self-care and the subscription process


Stéphanie RIBAU

Studies project manager

  • Take stock of the behavior and uses of owners of 2-3 Motorized Wheels and assess the impact of the economic and health crisis on their mobility

  • Evaluate the rate of use of credit and rental options in the context of vehicle acquisition

  • Analyze the insurance subscription process of 2-3RM holders and estimate the proportion of policyholders willing to take out 2-3RM insurance remotely

  • Determine the place given to insurance comparators in the customer journey

  • Determine what they think are the most important criteria in choosing insurance

  • Take stock of the current image of neo-insurers among 2-3RM holders and determine their predisposition to subscribe to this category of establishments

  • Identify the expectations of policyholders in terms of guarantees and services

  • Evaluate the level of satisfaction and attachment of policyholders to their company and identify the main levers for winning and building loyalty

  • Estimate the openness of 2-3WD owners to the electric market and the conditions that could possibly convince them to opt for a clean vehicle

  • Identify the expectations of policyholders in terms of self-care