Levers to conquer SMEs in employee savings
99 Pages
Release :
Qualitative survey of around twenty SMEs having recently equipped themselves with employee savings (PEE and/or PERCOL) or considering it soon or having recently changed operator or planning it soon
Stéphanie RIBAU
Studies project manager
Understand the reasons leading to the establishment of an employee savings system (PEE and/or PERCOL) or the change of operator to employee savings.
Analyze the subscription process carried out or planned for SMEs having recently equipped themselves or considering it or having changed operator or planning to do so (place of possible prescribers, role of the internet, level of competition, operators selected and reasons , possible involvement of staff representatives, subscription arrangements, etc.).
Identify the characteristics of the offers that may influence or have influenced their choice (levels of account maintenance fees and financial fees, types of support offered and diversity of management offers, place of ISR, digital tools for the company and employees, etc.).