Today, we are very happy to announce our new collaboration with Roam! To tell you about this new partnership, what better way than to let David Bigot, General Delegate of ROAM, speak to us. We asked him two questions:

▶ David, what is Roam?
ROAM is an association created in 1855 by and for mutualist leaders. It has managed to develop thanks to its members. It has therefore pursued a fourfold objective:
➡ To organise the sharing of good practices, ➡ To support members (regulatory, HR, ..), ➡ Monitor all innovations (technological, products, subscription path, ..) ➡ Defending members' interests with our national and European representation.
ROAM pursues its missions with energy and determination so that its 74 members continue to develop their mutualist values in all territories.
▶ And what are the benefits of the partnership with Minalea for ROAM?
The ROAM - Minalea partnership should enable members who so wish to save time and be more efficient in expanding their range. It is beneficial both to ROAM members, who have an almost turnkey solution, and to Minalea, which will extend its coverage and enrich its catalogue. It is a solution that is immediately operational and accessible to small and medium-sized structures.