The landscape of home loan insurance cover in France

A year ago, the Comité Consultatif du Secteur Financier called on Minalea to launch a study on loan insurance guarantees for property loans. This study was a continuation of their work on this subject over the last few years. The observation seems obvious: it is a real headache for the consumer who has a lot of trouble understanding and finding his way in this complex landscape of guarantees in this market.
With the collaboration of Actélior, an insurance consultancy, we are very proud to have taken part in the production of this report, which is perfectly in tune with our core business: making insurance clearer and more transparent.
This study is a true mapping of the existing guarantees on the mortgage insurance market. In France, as in most European countries, it is highly regulated and supervised, but also extremely complex for the consumer. Unfortunately, it is still too often the case that consumers become aware of a possible lack of cover when a claim occurs. Finding the cheapest insurance possible, but not at the expense of adequate cover: that is the difficulty of the equation.
Thanks to the millions of data precisely analysed by Minalea's teams, we have been able to feed this report with as much information as possible to facilitate the understanding of this market. You can now download it below: