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Young independent workers and insurance

136 Pages



Release :


  • Identify young people’s perception of insurance products and insurance players

  • Evaluate the place given to digital tools and social networks in the relationship with their operators

  • Understand their appeal for insurance products covering mobile devices

  • Evaluate their interest in the environmental theme


Bertrand MINOT

Study project manager

• Investigate young people's perceptions of insurance products and insurers from a global point of view and according to categories of operators.

• Assess their interest in “young offers”, for online comparators, and study their choice criteria to select an operator.

• Study the place of different digital tools in their process of subscribing to an insurance product (HRM and Auto focus) and in the management of their contract after subscription and the interest they give to social networks in the relationship with the operators.

• Understand their interest in environmental issues, their expectations of their insurers in the sustainable field and their interests or not in “green” products.

• Investigate their possible interest in insurance for nomadic products.