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Home insurance




Release :


What behavior and expectations do policyholders have through their contract?

What opportunities for establishments?


Marie-Caroline Tabouis

Studies project manager

  • Identify the expectations of policyholders through their home contract, the desired level of coverage and their predisposition to take out additional guarantees and non-claims services .

  • Ask policyholders about their experience with claims covered and identify their preferences regarding compensation . Test their predisposition to resort to compensation in kind and by mutual agreement for small losses.

  • Understand the link that policyholders have with their establishment and identify how they perceive new insurers and what is their predisposition to subscribe to these establishments.

  • Take an interest in recent subscriptions and determine the approach followed by policyholders to choose and subscribe to their contract : main selection criteria, number of establishments contacted, channels used to request the quote and subscribe to the contract.

  • Determine the behavior of policyholders with remote management channels (customer area on the Internet and mobile application) and their preferences for updating their contract and carrying out a set of operations.

  • Measure the incidence of moves and the volatility of policyholders at that time. Understand the impact of the health crisis on future projects and their interest in being supported and advised by their insurer.

  • Draw up an inventory of the eco-renovation work carried out and planned by the owners and test their interest in benefiting from free services from their establishment. Measure the appetite of policyholders for a set of formulas with an “eco-responsible” approach.

  • Take an interest in the second home and the establishment chosen for the insurance. Determine whether coverage expectations have recently evolved with a possible change in attendance habits linked to the development of teleworking.

  • Identify household fears regarding the risks associated with burglaries and determine their current protection system equipment as well as the potential for development.

  • Understand the experience that the French have in terms of collaborative consumption , and more particularly seasonal rental, and identify their expectations in terms of insurance .